Crosslight’s Summer 2022 Newsletter
Our Summer Newsletter comes at a time when demand for Crosslight’s services continues to rise. A shocking 50% of our new clients are having to cut down on or go without food in the weeks before coming to see us, and 45% have had to turn their gas or electricity off because they can’t afford the bills. Demand for our services has therefore continued to rise.
Our aim is to restore dignity and renew hope, and everyone has a part to play in this. In this newsletter, we have spoken to several individuals who demonstrate these aims incredibly well. We would also like to share the new ‘Our impact’ document, released in July, and information on Crosslight Hammersmith’s Move4Change, taking place in September.
Andrew: Staff member
Andrew began volunteering as a Debt Adviser in 2007.
“When I think about it, I realise that I am actually a second-generation debt adviser! My father gave debt advice in the 1980s and so I grew up listening to stories of the positive impact this type of work had on people. It obviously had an effect on me as although I was working full time in consultancy and project management, I decided to start volunteering every Monday evening as a Debt Adviser in my hometown. It was an incredible experience, and a real eye-opener to see the difference that can be made to people’s lives.”
“It was an experience that actually turned out to be quite life-changing, as after a number of years as a volunteer an opportunity arose to join the staff team as Branch Manager. It was a big change, and a decision I thought about a lot, but I knew I wanted to continue to help others and so I applied for the role and started my current position in 2018 – I haven’t looked back!”
“It is such an incredible privilege to work with our clients, as they share with us what is happening in their lives. Even though I’ve been doing this role for many years, I am continuously humbled by the trust that people place in me when they are seeking support from Crosslight Advice.”
“In our society, there are many people who end up in a bad place usually through no fault of their own. This often leads to debts that they cannot manage, and that’s where Crosslight comes in. We sadly live in a very unequal society… but I believe that wherever possible, there should be at least equality of opportunity. That is not true for most of our clients, but the exciting thing for me is that with Crosslight, there is hope.”
“Thank you. Every area that I was dealing with is moving forward in really good ways - the Crosslight referral has been really helpful - the debt advice was great and I was referred to the welfare rights worker who has helped me approach / sort out underpayments etc. Things are much more settled than they were.”
Michelle: Client
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Michelle first visited Crosslight earlier this year. After months of struggling alone, taking out loans and ‘robbing Peter to pay Paul’, Michelle collapsed and was rushed to hospital. Upon leaving, she vowed to get the help she needed to turn the page on her current situation. Nevertheless, she told us that walking into one of our branches was one of the hardest things she has done and that she felt embarrassed and ashamed. But those emotions did not last long. “I was greeted by a Debt Adviser who was so kind and had a voice that makes you feel okay and puts you at ease.”
After her first chat with Crosslight Advice, “I felt like a new person when I walked out”. What followed were a series of appointments with our debt and benefits advisers, as well as a Budgeting Coach. Michelle was able to claim a pension she did not know about, and Crosslight were able to write off debt and also highlight benefits she was entitled to. When asked how this made her feel, Michelle shared that “it felt like someone took the weight off of my shoulders that had been pushing me down into the ground”.
Michelle is still receiving some support from our Benefits Advisers and has been so grateful for all of the help that Crosslight has provided.
“Crosslight turned my life around. I was at my wits end, had become sick and had become such a worrier. The work [Crosslight] does is remarkable, and I don’t think they get the publicity they deserve. Everyone I’ve met has been too humble about the work they do, and I just feel so grateful that I got to meet them all. After the support from Crosslight Advice, I came away not sick anymore and so I would give them all 10 gold stars! They were all fantastic!”
Our impact
In July, we published ‘Our impact’, a document that highlights the struggles that our clients have faced, and the work that we have undertaken over the last 12 months to help them. We invite you to read it via the link below.
4,941 appointments held
2,073 people supported, including 1,533 new cases
797 individuals attended one of Crosslight’s money skills workshops or received personalised budgeting support
£1.1m of income gains achieved for our clients
95% of those we worked with told us their situation had improved after our support
Natalie: Donor
Natalie has been involved with Crosslight Advice in various ways since 2017.
“I was first introduced to Crosslight by a friend who already volunteered as a Debt Adviser. I was looking for volunteering opportunities that were impactful on people’s lives and something that I could really get my teeth in to. This is exactly what I found when I began helping at the Kensington branch of Crosslight, and I quickly saw how well run, efficient and life-changing Crosslight’s work was.”
“I am also involved with a Trust that gives money to worthwhile causes. The Trust strives to understand how a charity works and how effective it is before giving its support, and my time as a volunteer had already more than demonstrated this. After asking Crosslight to apply I was thrilled that the Trust was able to become a supporter of Crosslight as a donor. We know that the money is truly being put to good use and making a real difference.”
“I am now a Budget Coach alongside my Debt Adviser role and always take a keen interest in all aspects of the organisation so I can see how my support can be best utilised. It is so heartening to find an organisation that is so good natured and caring, yet efficient and effective in the work that it does.”
“I can honestly say [Crosslight's work] has been absolutely life changing, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I’ve been able to pay all my bills on time and was able to go out for a meal with my family to celebrate my birthday last week, something I’ve not been able to do for many years.”
Richard: Volunteer
Richard is a volunteer Case Manager.
“I first heard about this work from a friend at church who was a volunteer. I saw it as part of my Christian duty to help others, so started volunteering myself over a decade ago. I also have a passion for problem solving as I used to be an engineer and so the role really appealed to me. I still get a huge sense of satisfaction from the work that I do.”
“The breadth of problems our clients face is always something that makes an impact on me. Our clients face everything from learning difficulties, mental health problems, domestic abuse, even scamming. The debt almost always stems from another issue, and I have been told by so many clients that they have felt supported through many other issues alongside their debt as we are able to walk alongside them. We can offer our clients the whole package, we are not limited to one phone call, instead we are able to work closely with them on their journey, which is such an honour.”
“I feel as though I’ve made a real impact on someone’s life when, after attending their first appointment, the client feels as though things have already got better. Just the unburdening and sharing of their issues enables them to take that first step, which is normally the hardest one but, in some ways, has the biggest impact. It’s that old saying of a problem shared is a problem halved and it is so true with Crosslight.”
There is still time to sign up and join Crosslight Hammersmith at Move4Change. You will enjoy a lovely walk down the River Thames and celebrate with a Cream Tea afterwards. We think it's fair to say this is a lovely way to support a great cause.
When: Saturday 10th September
What time: 1.30pm
Where: St. Paul's Centre (W6 9PJ)
How: Move4Change is a walk, so get some comfy walking shoes and put your best foot forward!
You can sign up by clicking the button below. The team cannot wait to see everyone taking part in September.
Thank you
We simply could not have continued providing our holistic service and financial education without our committed supporters and volunteers.